What is the World Economic Forum?
Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum.
Founded in 1971 by German economist Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is an unaccountable, non-governmental organization which convenes meetings of world leaders in Davos, Switzerland, with a view to impacting policy decisions on behalf of its members: predominantly multi-national corporations and politicians.
The group has been criticized for its stated aims of transforming or “resetting” global society for the benefit of private corporations rather than the public.
Schwab himself has argued governments are no longer "the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage" and “the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm of international governance.”
“We are increasingly entering a world where gatherings such as Davos are not laughable billionaire playgrounds, but rather the future of global governance. It is nothing less than a silent global coup d’etat.”
Key World Economic Forum Stakeholders & Speakers
Klaus Schwab
Founder & Executive Chairman
Christine Lagarde
President, European Central Bank & Former Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Laurence Fink
Chairman, Blackrock
Ursula Von de Leyen
President, European Commission
Jack Ma
Founder, Alibaba
Chrystia Freeland
Deputy Prime Minister, Canada
Mark Zuckerberg
Founder, Facebook/Meta
Huma Abedin
Vice Chairman, Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign 2016
Joe Biden
President, United States of America
Nikky Haley
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
Emmanuel Macron
President of France
Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister of New Zealand and former President of the International Union of Socialist Youth
George & Alex Soros
Chairman of the Open Society Foundations & son
Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton
Former U.S. President, former Presidential candidate, and their daughter
Bill Gates
Founder, Microsoft
Dr. Leana Wen
CNN Medical Analyst, former Planned Parenthood President
Mark Carney
Former Governor of the Bank of England
Mustapha Mokass
COVID-19 Passport Developer
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Why is WEF a Problem?
The World Economic Forum is unaccountable to the general public, despite steering high-level dialogues which affect policy changes that directly impact your life. WEF’s board is almost entirely constituted of corporate entirely constituted of corporate actors with conflicts of interests against WEF’s stated goals of “improving the state of the world.”
The World Economic Forum does not publicly disclose its finances, despite pulling from public resources for its events, and asserting public policy influence the world over. In fact, Switzerland’s public broadcaster revealed that while the WEF have several hundred million dollars on hand, the entity pays no federal taxes, and bizarrely enjoys the same charitable status as groups like the International Red Cross.
“The sovereign state has become obselete,” Schwab told reporters from Forbes magazine in 1999. Since then, the WEF has hosted a number of programs and events specifically aimed at the destruction of national governments. The Transnational Institute concluded, in 2016: “gatherings such as Davos are not laughable billionaire playgrounds, but rather the future of global governance. It is nothing less than a silent global coup d’etat.”
The Great Reset?
Yes, It’s a Real Thing.
Despite “fact checks” to the contrary, the World Economic Forum itself admits leading a world-wide effort to change supply chains, industries, jobs, climate and economic policies with its “Great Reset”.
“You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy,” became a meme (left) in 2016, quoting the WEF’s social media on their ideas to strip the general public of private property and centralize global governance.
Even the Soros-funded OpenDemocracy website describes The Great Reset as “a corporate takeover of global governance that affects our food, our data and our vaccines.”

A full list of WEF’s corporate partners can be found by clicking below.
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“This elite-led model of governance is proliferating globally like a virulent rash… It is nothing less than a silent global coup d’etat.”
— Nick Buxton, Chief Editor of the State of Power
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